Talk Therapy is a bit like counselling but with a completely different focus.

We work with clients to understand and explore the issues causing them to feel unhappy, and then teach them simple strategies to look after and nurture their wellbeing. The aim with every client is to resolve their stress and move them forward towards a healthier, happier life.
We work with anyone who feels they need support to get through a challenging time in their life.
Are you facing difficulties in any of these areas of your life?
Stress – in your personal or work life
Depression / low mood
Grief / loss
Relationship break up
Issues within your marriage or any other relationship
Eating issues / disorders
Anger management
Sexual trauma
Other trauma
Parenting / family issues
Difficulties with children / teenagers
Alcohol and other addictions
General life direction / coaching
Low confidence / self esteem
Gender dysphoria
Talk therapy can definitely help you to make positive and powerful changes in your life and overcome the unhappy feelings weighing you down. Those feelings can be like dealing with a hundred puzzle pieces flying around in your head with no idea how they connect or what picture they’re trying to make.
Face-to-face or virtual? – You choose

Our team offers face to face appointments, Zoom / Skype or over the phone.
What to expect in the first session

Our first session is like an initial assessment so we can understand what you’re struggling with and get a better idea of who you are and what you’re hoping to achieve from our time together. In this session we're probably going to be asking you a lot of questions. It will also give me an idea of how many sessions you may require overall, usually anywhere between 6-12.
In subsequent sessions we explore more deeply the challenges you’re experiencing and then discuss how they could be resolved. We work together on a treatment plan that may include positive coping strategies, ways to identify triggers and a self-care plan. We also nail down the goals you want to achieve and schedule review times to check in and see how you’re going. If something’s not working we need to know so we can change the approach.
How does Authentically U differ from counselling?

Counselling is also a type of talk therapy, however the main focus of Authentically U is helping clients resolve issues or learn coping strategies so they can plan and move towards a healthier and happier life. The attention is more on the future rather than the past.
Counselling, on the other hand, spends more time exploring unresolved past issues or painful memories. Sometimes this is an important first step for clients to take before they’re ready to reset their perspective and move forward with their goals.

How does Authentically U differ from life coaching?
Again, life coaching is also a type of talk therapy, however the modalities Aimee work's with are clinically based. Following her registered nursing training and experience, Aimee completed postgraduate qualifications in cognitive behavioural therapy, mental health and addiction nursing and clinical supervision, as well as training in acceptance and commitment therapy and motivational interviewing. Alongside her training and experience, these qualifications enable Aimee to apply appropriate modalities and interventions to treat clients with severe anxiety, trauma or mental illness. She is also part-way through a three-year training course in psychotherapy.
It’s really important to seek help and guidance from appropriately trained therapists when dealing with mental health issues.

Affiliated Organisations
In addition to our private client base, Authentically U contracts to various mental health and government organisations throughout NZ including:
Think Hauora (PHO in Manawatu / Tararua / Horowhenua)
Oranga Tamariki (well-being for children)
Ignite Aotearoa (employee assistance and wellbeing resources)
Aoake Te Ra (bereaved by suicide service)
Te Whatu Ora – Midecentral
Te Whatu Ora – Hawkes Bay
NZ Defence Force
Freyberg High School Teen Parent Unit
Tautokomai (wellbeing support for survivors of abuse in state/faith based care)
Ministry of Social Development

You’ll get the opportunity to meet one of our team and decide...
We’ll briefly discuss the issue you’re experiencing and what could help you moving forward.
You’ll get an opportunity to meet me and decide if you want Authentically U to help you make positive and long-lasting change in your life.